Squirrels can be fun or even cute to look at when they are running around the yard or climbing a tree. When they get into homes and attics though, squirrels can cause tremendous damage. Squirrels getting into attics can chew on wires causing fires, and damage insulation, framing, and stored items. In this article we will discuss how squirrels get in and how to get them out and keep them out.
According to the Extension office at Penn State, the eastern gray squirrel can have 2 litters per year with each litter having up to 8 pups. This means that an adult female squirrel can be responsible for up to 16 new squirrels per year! That small squirrel issue you have can become a big squirrel problem pretty quickly.
Squirrels can live for over 10 years but the Pennsylvania Game Commission states that squirrels typically live only 2 or 3 years. Food availability is the cause for many squirrels’ early demise. Unlike mice, predation does not play a large role in reducing squirrel populations.
How do squirrels get into attics and houses?
We find that there are a few places where squirrels will enter a house or attic space. Although squirrels are excellent climbers, they prefer to find an easier way to get onto a roof or house. A tree limb or branch overhanging the roof is a great way for squirrels to get onto the roof. Powerlines are another way that squirrels get onto a roof as well.

Once on a roof, there are some common ways that squirrels can get into the attic or house. Some of them include:
- Vents such as the ridge vent, gable vent, or soffits.
- Chimneys
- Roofing access such as where roof pitches meet
- Sometimes they will create a hole or chew into the structure to gain access
Determining how the squirrels are getting onto the roof and then into the house or attic is the critical first step. Once we determine how they are getting into the attic, we can start discussing how to get them out and keep them out.
How to get squirrels out of the attic
Once we have found how the squirrels are getting into the house, it’s time to get them out! We like to use a combination of trapping and one-way doors to evict the squirrels from the house. A one-way door is a spring-loaded device that allows the squirrel to exit the home but not re-enter. This is installed over the main opening into the house that the squirrels are using.
Trapping is useful to prevent the squirrels that we evicted from finding another way into the attic. We use a variety of traps to remove the evicted squirrels from the area so that they cannot make their way back in.
Curious how one-way doors work? We have an article that shows the process in detail that you can find here.
The squirrels are gone, now what?
To prevent future squirrels from entering the home or attic, trim away branches and trees that are too close to the house. We recommend trimming tree branches at least 6 feet away from the house. This will remove the squirrels’ easy access to the roof and the attic.
Since food availability is the primary drive of squirrel populations, removing squirrel food sources is also important. Having squirrel-proof bird feeders can also help reduce the number of squirrels around your home. Population control trapping can also be done to reduce the number of squirrels on a property. This method will only provide temporary relief as new squirrels will certainly move in if there is food and habitat.
Squirrel Removal Company
Prudential Pest Solutions is a full-service squirrel and wildlife control and removal company. We have the knowledge, experience, and equipment to resolve any squirrel issue you have. Our humane squirrel removal services will evict the squirrels in your attic and prevent new ones from coming in.

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