A hardware store in West Chester PA called us because they were seeing yellow jackets in a box of patio furniture. They had tried to treat the problem themselves, but the yellow jackets were just as bad if not worse than ever. We were able to treat and remove this yellow jacket nest and the hardware store was able to sell the tables again.
Yellow jackets are an aggressive species of wasp that build paper nests. Sometimes they will build their nests under the ground and other times they will build them in structures. In this case, the yellow jackets decided that a box full of new patio tables was a great place to build a nest.
Treating and removing a yellow jacket nest
As we mentioned above, the employees at this hardware store were trying to resolve this yellow jacket problem themselves. The problem that they had was that there were so many yellow jackets that the employees couldn’t get close enough to the box of tables without being stung. This treatment took place in late summer so the yellow jacket nest was the largest it was going to be for the season.
The first thing we do when we perform a yellow jacket treatment like this is to remove the box of patio tables so that we do not risk the employees or public getting hurt. To do this, we donned our bee protection suit and brought the box full of yellow jackets to the side of the building.
Once we had a location where we could treat, we began the treatment process. First, we inject an aerosol insecticide called PT PI into the box. This aerosol works quickly and also fills the box so that we have complete coverage. Since yellow jackets make paper nests, its necessary to inject the aerosol into the paper nest as well as the box.

After the yellow jacket activity inside of the box had subsided, we could begin removing the patio tables from the box. In this case, the yellow jacket nest was built around all 4 of the stacked tables in the box.
We removed each table individually to ensure that we had treated all of the tables.
Once the nest was completely treated we could begin removing the nesting material from the patio tables that were in the box. The aerosol that we used is great for quick knockdowns of wasps and yellow jackets but doesn’t provide any long lasting treatment. In this case, we didn’t need any long lasting treatment because the yellow jackets couldn’t rebuild and wouldn’t rebuild their nest on the exposed tables.
When the nesting material was cleaned off the patio tables, we collected the rest of the nest and cleaned up the area. We always try and leave a cleaner working area than when we started.
Another successful yellow jacket nest treated and removed. The hardware store and their employees were thrilled that we were able to resolve their problem quickly and professionally.
Yellow Jacket Treatments for you
Prudential Pest Solutions is a full-service yellow jacket and wasp removal company. We have the experience and equipment to quickly and professionally resolve ANY yellow jacket issue you have. Whether you have yellow jackets in patio table, outside, inside, or in the ground, we can help!
Yellow Jacket removal near you

Prudential Pest Solutions provides yellow jacket removal and treatment services to Southeastern Pennsylvania including:
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