We provide carpenter bee treatment to Chester County. Carpenter bees are larger bees that resemble bumble bees. These solitary, large bees can be seen hovering around decks, sheds, and homes. The carpenter bee makes a circular entrance into wood where they make their home.

Carpenter Bee Treatments
Carpenter Bees are treated by applying an insecticidal dust to each and every hole that the bee has made. This will treat the carpenter bee and any eggs that it has laid.
Our carpenter bee treatments are EXTREMELY effective in treating and reducing the amount of carpenter bees you have. Our treatments will even help to reduce the amount of carpenter bees you see next year too!
Carpenter Bees and Pollinators
Our carpenter bee treatments in Chester County are effective, professional, and affordable. We always have the safety or your family, pets, and the environment in mind when we do any treatment. Carpenter Bee treatments will not harm pollinators since we are treating the carpenter bee hole and not any flowering plants.

Carpenter Bees are Wood Destroyers
Since carpenter bees make their home in wood, they are causing damage to that wood. Although they prefer unpainted wood, carpenter bees will bore into painted wood as well. We can take care of any carpenter bee problem you have.

Carpenter Bee Exterminators
If you live in Chester County and have carpenter bees, give Prudential Pest Solutions a call or send us a message. We can get you carpenter bee free today!