Termite Treatment

In Pennsylvania, the only species of termite we have are subterranean termites. Treating for subterranean termites requires special equipment and experience to eliminate the problem. There are many ways to treat for termites and in this article, we will be exploring effective termite treatments for your home.

What are termites?

Termites are wood destroying insects that can causes substantial damage to your home. Identifying termite activity and damage early can help prevent the massive costs associated with repairing your home. Unlike other pests, termites have a bacterium in their stomach that allows them to actually digest the wood. This means that the wood of your home is an actual food source for the termites.

Signs of termite activity

There are essentially 3 signs of subterranean termite activity in your home. Most pest control professionals can easily identify termite evidence and provide you with recommendations for treatments. If you see any of the below signs of termites, contact a termite control company to resolve the problem quickly.

For more information on termite activity, check out our article Early signs of a termite problem.

Termite Swarmers

termite swarmers

Termites create swarmers or alates, after the colony has been established for a number of years. These termite swarmers leave the colony, mate, and start new termite colonies.

Termite swarmers are the only members of the termite colony that have wings and are darker in color.

Termite swarmers can be seen leaving the colony in Spring and Summer in Pennsylvania. Homeowners may find these swarmers in great numbers on the basement floor or near a windowsill.

You may not see the insect swarmers themselves, but find a pile of wings. This could also be termite swarmers.

Termite Mud Shelter Tubes

Termite Mud Shelter Tubes

Subterranean termites cannot be exposed to the open air so they create termite mud shelter tubes. These tunnels allow termites to freely travel and still maintain the humidity and life conditions they need.

We often find termite mud shelter tubes on basement walls, wood framing, and soil to wood contact areas.

Termite Damage

termite damage

Termites will typically damage the wooden framing of the house and the surrounding wood. This includes the flooring, floor supports, wall supports, and more.

Many times, homeowners discover termite damage during a renovation or construction project at the house.

There are many causes of wood damage so a termite professional may be needed to properly identify if the damage to your home is from termites.

I have termites, how do you treat for them?

If you have found any of the conditions mentioned above, then you have termites. Having a termite infestation is not the end of the world though. There are a few termite treatment methods that termite companies employ to eliminate the termite colony.

Liquid Termite Treatments

When we have clients with termite infestations, we prefer to use a liquid termite treatment as our first choice of treatment method. This is because the liquid termite product is applied and injected around the entire exterior perimeter of the home. We inject the liquid termite product below the soil where the termites are. The termites come in contact with the liquid and take it back to the colony. This process of using the termites social nature against them is call transference.

Let’s see how a liquid termite treatment works.

Liquid Termite Step 1: Inspect the area to ensure liquid is the way to go

We cannot use our liquid termite treatment on each and every home. One condition that may prevent us from performing a liquid termite treatment is if there is a water well close to the foundation of the home. Some homeowners simply prefer not to use this method so we must consider other treatment options.

If the home and homeowner are good with a liquid termite treatment, we move on to the next step.

Step 2: We create a small trench around the house

To successfully apply the liquid termite treatment, we need to create a small trench around the exterior perimeter of the home. This trench, allows us to inject the termiticide into and below the soil where the termites are located.

What about concrete porches, patios, and walkways?

In areas where we cannot create a trench such as concrete porches, patios, and walkways, we drill 1/2″ holes every 18″. These holes allow us to inject the liquid termite product under the concrete where the termites are located. Don’t worry, we will plug these holes after we are done.

Termite Drill and holes

Holes are drilled through concrete so that we can apply the liquid termite treatment. Termites are under the ground and under the concrete so we must ensure that we are getting the liquid where the termites are going to be.

After the treatment, we will plug these small holes.

Step 3: Inject the liquid termite product and begin the termite treatment

Once the exterior of the home has been prepared, we can begin the liquid termite treatment. We use a termite product called Termidor HE, which is the best termite product available in our industry.

Termite Treatment

Using a gas powered injection machine, we apply the Termidor HE into the soil around the exterior perimeter of the home.

Our termite equipment is specialized for termite control work. We monitor and meter how much Termidor HE we are applying by using a flow meter attached to our termite equipment.

Using the best termite product, Termidor HE, and specialized termite control equipment, we are able to resolve ANY termite problem a homeowner has.

Step 4: Fill in the trench and plug the holes

After we have finished applying and injecting the Termidor HE, it’s time to fill in the small trench and plug the holes we drilled. Since the trench is small, we simply refill the soil and cover the trench up.

Termite Plugs

For the holes that we had to create by drilling through the concrete, we use termite plugs. These plastic plugs will fill the hole and not allow rain to enter.

Since the plugs are made of plastic, they blend in with the existing concrete and won’t attract new termites.

Step 5: Warranty the home for termites

Most of our termite treatments are warrantied for a period of 2 years. This warranty can then be renewed on a year to year basis after the initial warranty period. This termite warranty will give you piece of mind that your home is protected from termites for years to come!

Termite Bait Systems

Sometimes liquid termite treatments are not the best solution for a termite problem. For these situations, we use termite bait systems or TBS. Termite bait systems work in a similar manner to liquid termite treatments in that we use the termite’s social nature against them. Termites enter the stations, feed on the bait, and then bring that bait back to the colony.

Termite Bait Station

Pictured here is the top of a termite bait station. These stations are placed every 15-20 feet of each other. The stations are installed in the ground so that the termites can find them.

Inside of the termite bait station is pure cellulose infused with a termite chemical. The termites are attracted to the cellulose, feed on it, and then bring that termite chemical back to the colony.

Besides being an effective termite treatment method, termite bait stations also provide another benefit to homeowners. On top of each termite bait station is a lid that can be removed to monitor for termite activity on the inside of the station. Since our termites are subterranean, these stations allow us to visually inspect for termites before termite damage occurs on the house.

Limitations of Termite Bait Systems

Since we are installing the termite bait stations approximately 20 feet apart from each other, there is always a risk that the termites bypass the stations. Another limitation of the termite bait stations are when there is a lot of concrete or stonework near the foundation which could prevent the installation of the stations close enough to the house.

The termite bait stations with their cellulose interiors, should be enough of an attractant to the termites where the above risks are minimal.

How do you treat for termites on the inside of the house?

The above-mentioned termite treatment methods will eliminate the termite colony. There are circumstances where we do need to treat the interior of the home for termites as well. This is usually accomplished by treating the infested wood that is exposed using a termite foam or a liquid spray.

The liquid spray we use on the inside of the home is very different from the termite product we use on the outside perimeter of the home. We cannot apply the same termite product, Termidor HE, on or in the interior of a home. For this reason, we use a natural, borate salt product called BoraCare. Boracare soaks deep into the wood and will provide years of termite protection. It is also perfectly fine to apply indoors which is why we like to use it.

How can homeowners prevent termites

There are many ways to prevent termites in your home. The very best thing a homeowner can do to prevent termites is to keep moisture away from the foundation of the house. You can learn more ways to prevent termites by checking out our article:

12 Proven ways to prevent termites

Need a termite control company? We can help!

Prudential Pest Solutions is a full service, pest and termite control company. We have the knowledge, expertise, and equipment to resolve and eliminate ANY termite issue you have. Give us a call or text us to speak with a termite expert today!

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Pest Control Service Areas

Prudential Pest Solutions provides termite treatments and termite control services to all of Southeastern Pennsylvania.

Our termite treatments will protect your home from termites for years to come!

Some of the many areas we service for termites include:

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