We performed a flea treatment in a vacant apartment in Auburn PA. This treatment was needed before the junk removal company could come in and remove the “clutter” and trash. The apartment itself was in extreme disrepair with holes in the roof, trash everywhere, and of course a severe flea infestation. We ended up treating this unit 3 times to get the flea issue under control.
The reason that we needed to treat the fleas before the clean-up could occur is that we wanted to minimize the chance that the fleas would infest the junk haulers’ equipment and employees. We performed an initial flea treatment and a follow-up treatment before any of the apartment debris was removed. Then the junk haulers removed all of the contents of the apartment. After that, we performed another flea treatment so that the apartment remodel could begin.
Most flea treatments and apartments are not in this severe condition, but this example shows the extreme end of the flea spectrum. This flea problem had been going on for a long time which led to it being a complete infestation.
How do you know you have fleas?
Most flea infestations are not as severe as the example in the video above. For many people, they may notice that their pets are scratching more than usual. Others may spot fleas on their white socks as they walk around the house or apartment. Fleas are very small and will look like black dots on your socks.
When flea infestations grow, the occupants and pets will get bites from the fleas. These bites are not evidence alone of a flea infestation but can be used to narrow down the cause. Other insects that often cause bites include spiders, mosquitoes, ticks, and bed bugs.
Before any treatment can begin, we need to verify that you do have fleas and not something else. This can be done by having a pest control professional inspect your home or apartment. Another method to confirm a flea infestation is to use sticky traps or glue boards. The glue boards will trap any insect that comes in contact with it so that identification can be made. Glue boards and traps should be placed in areas where people and pets cannot themselves become stuck.
Flea Biology
According to the entomology department at Penn State, fleas go through multiple life stages from egg to adult. The fleas hatch in 2-5 days after the egg is laid. One female flea can lay as many as 40 eggs per day! The flea then enters through 3 larval stages before becoming a pupa. The last stage is the adult flea which can take up to a year to go from egg to adult.
With 1 female potentially laying up to 40 eggs a day, it is easy to see how a small flea problem can quickly become a huge infestation quickly.
Can fleas cause harm to humans?

Fleas can cause harm to humans both physically and mentally. Some people may experience allergic reactions or skin irritation.
The mental impact is stress and anxiety as fleas feed on the family and pets.
The plague can be transmitted by fleas much like what happened in Europe during the black plague. The good news is that this is rare and only 2-4 people die per year mostly in the Southwest United States.
Flea treatments for apartments and homes
Most homeowners and tenants should not try and treat their home or apartment themselves for fleas. A pest control professional has a knowledge and equipment to effectively treat your unit for fleas. All of the pets should be treated for fleas as soon as possible. Pet bedding and toys should be laundered on high heat to treat for fleas.
We use a combination approach to flea treatments. First a thorough vacuuming of the unit to remove as many fleas and eggs as possible. Next, we apply a liquid insecticide is applied to the area. This insecticide has a growth regulator that prevents the fleas from progressing through their different life cycles. It also will eradicate the adult fleas and has a residual, so treatment is on-going for weeks.
After the initial treatment for fleas, we perform a follow-up treatment using a different insecticide to ensure a thorough treatment and help to minimize the risk of the fleas developing resistance to the products.
Flea treatment for your apartment
Prudential Pest Solutions is a flea and pest control company that can resolve any flea issue you have. We are experienced, knowledgeable, and have the equipment to eradicate the fleas in your apartment.
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