how long can mice live

How long can mice live? In nature, or your house, mice typically don’t survive a full year. This is mainly due to predators and myself, a pest control professional.

Scientists performing longevity studies however, are able to keep mice alive for much longer.

In this article we will discuss how long mice can live and what the purpose behind making them live so long.

So how old was the longest living mouse?

Oldest Mouse

No need to hold you in suspense. The longest ever living mouse was 1 week shy of 5 years old!

This mouse was genetically engineered by scientists to live almost 5 years.

The longest living “natural” mouse was a little over 4 years old. Scientists I guess just gave the mouse a steady dose of diet and exercise to allow him to live to that old age.

Methuselah Mouse Prize

The Methuselah Mouse Prize is a cash prize offered by the Methuselah Foundation for the longest living mouse. The purpose of the prize is to incentivize scientists to research longevity in mice with the hope that it will lead to human results.

When I first heard about the Methuselah Mouse Prize, I wondered why the foundation named itself “Methuselah”. I guess I should have paid more attention in church as a young lad because Methuselah was Noah’s grandfather.

Yes, Noah from the great flood, that Noah. According to the Bible, Noah’s Grandfather was Methuselah, and he lived to the ripe old age of over 900 years! Makes sense why a foundation that wants longer human lifespans to name their foundation after a 969-year-old Bible figure.

Why Can’t Mice live a long life in nature?

Mice typically don’t survive a full year in nature. This is mainly due to predators such as hawks, owls, cats, foxes, snakes, and many others.

It’s my job to also make sure that mice and other rodents don’t live long either. If you are curious on our many different mouse and rodent control solutions and treatments, you can check them out here.

longest living mouse

Don’t want your mice to live that long? Time to call the professionals at Prudential Pest Solutions!

Our Mice, Rat, and Rodent treatments will resolve any issue you have quickly

Don’t let your mouse problem grow old, let us be your rodent professionals today!

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