lancaster yellow jacket

Our client in Lancaster Pennsylvania was finding live and dead yellow jackets in his garage. When I hear that, I immediately think that there is a yellow jacket nest in the structure.

This treatment took place on a Saturday morning because when you are dealing with hundreds or thousands of stinging insects, delaying treatment is not an option.

I found a small opening in the corner of the drywall where the yellow jackets were entering the inside of the garage. Directly above that area was a moisture stain on the ceiling. When I got my ladder out, the drywall in the moisture stain was SUPER soft and I could have put my finger right through it. This confirmed that the yellow jacket nest was directly above the ceiling.

yellow jacket lancaster
yellow jacket nest in ceiling of garage in Lancaster PA

This client requested that we use minimal chemical to treat and remove the nest. They were ok with us using our preferred treatment chemical PT PI in the ceiling void. This is because PT PI is a non-residual, very short term chemical. I like PT PI because it permeates the entire ceiling void and kills very quickly.

I suited up and got my chemical and tools in position for the treatment. I began the treatment by applying the PT PI directly into the exit hole in the drywall corner that the yellow jackets had already made. Once I knocked down the yellow jackets in the opening, I created a small hole in the ceiling and injected the PT PI directly into the nest.

yellow jackets lancaster
yellow jacket nest in ceiling of garage in Lancaster PA

Once the activity in the ceiling void ceased, I began removing the nest. I soon discovered that there was a nest from a previous year in the same ceiling void. The shear amount of nesting material I removed from the ceiling area was pretty surprising. After the nest had been treated and removed, I taped up the opening to prevent other yellow jackets from entering the garage.

yellow jackets in garage in Lancaster Pa
yellow jackets in garage in Lancaster Pa

Typically we would apply a long term insecticide dust to the void but this client preferred no other chemical be used. The final step in any of our yellow jacket treatments is to clean-up the area. There were a ton of dead yellow jackets and nesting material on the garage floor but we ALWAYS leave a clean and tidy area when we finish.

Prudential Pest Solutions are EXPERTS at treating and removing yellow jacket, hornet, wasp, and bee nests. We service all of South Eastern and South Central Pennsylvania.

lancaster yellow jacket
yellow jacket nest removal from garage in Lancaster Pa


Yellow Jackets

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