Hotel Pest Control

Hotel Pest Control

Hotel Pest Control
Hotel Pest Control

Hotel Pest Control

Ask any traveler what their number one pest fear is when staying in a hotel and they will most likely answer “bed bugs”. This is a very common and real concern for both travelers and hotel owners. Hotel Pest Control is a process that involves cooperation between the hotel ownership, staff, and pest control professional.

Common Pests in Hotels

  • Bed Bugs
  • Roaches
  • Rodents
  • Nuisance pests like flies and ants

Bed Bugs in Hotels

The average hotel has hundreds, if not thousands, of travelers that come and go every year. By simple probability alone, a hotel is bound to have a bed bug introduced into their facility at some point. How the hotel reacts to that introduction is what makes the difference.

Hotel Bed Bug Training

The first step in any hotel bed bug program is training. Hotel staff need to be trained to look for evidence of bed bug activity in the rooms. This is especially important for the housekeeping staff. The housekeeping staff is the first line of defense against bed bug infestations. As they are changing linens and bedding, the housekeeping staff should be looking for evidence of bed bugs.

We offer extensive training to our hotel clients because we believe that first detection and identification is critical. Our training is included in our pest service plans.

If you want to know more about bed bug signs and evidence, you can check out our bed bug page here.

Hotel Bed Bug Protocol

Once evidence of bed bugs have been confirmed in the hotel, a bed bug protocol should be followed. This hotel bed bug protocol will vary by hotel and by pest control company. Here is a sample of a bed bug process once evidence has been found.

  • Isolate the infested room so the infestation is not spread room to room.
  • Housekeeping should remove the bedding and linen and place in a sealed plastic trash bag.
  • Housekeeping should keep the bedding and linen separate from other bedding in the hotel. This infested bedding should be washed and dried on HIGH heat by itself.
  • The pest control company should be notified so that a bed bug treatment can be scheduled.
  • The pest control company should treat the infested room as well as the rooms on either side of the infested room. The room across the hall as well as the room above and below the infested room should also be checked and treated if necessary.
  • The pest control company should inspect any common area, laundry room, and elevator and treat if necessary.
  • Depending on the preference of the pest control company, they may treat the hotel bed bugs with chemical, heat, or a combination of both.
  • You can find out more about our bed bug treatment process here.
  • Room should not be occupied until the bed bug issue has been resolved. This may take a few follow-up visits to exterminate the hotel bed bugs.
  • A tracking and record sheet should be kept to track bed bug treatments in rooms.

Hotel Bed Bug Treatments

Depending on the size of the hotel and frequency of bed bug issues will determine the type of bed bug treatment used. Some hotels opt to purchase very expensive heat treatment equipment so that they can begin bed bug treatments immediately. Other hotels hire pest control companies to treat and inspect for bed bugs. Both of these options are great.

Some hotels, however, try to treat the bed bug issue themselves. This often results in the use of sprays and “bombs” which do not resolve the bed bug problem. In fact, oftentimes the bed bug problem becomes much, much worse. This results in the bed bugs being found in multiple rooms on multiple floors. The monetary loss due to not renting the rooms combined with a bad reputation often causes these hotel owners tens of thousands of dollars.

Where to look for bed bugs in hotels

When I stay at hotels I always check the bed for bed bug activity BEFORE I unpack and get settled. The first thing I do is place my suitcase in the tub and inspect the bed, bedding, and headboard. If I see live or dead bed bugs, or bed bug excrement, I’m out of there.

You can learn more about where bed bugs like to hang out by clicking here.

Want to prevent taking bed bugs home? Check out this article here.

Does this hotel have bed bugs?

With so many people coming and going out of a hotel every year, they are bound to have a bed bug introduced at some point. The difference between a few rooms having bed bugs over the course of years versus the entire hotel having bed bugs is huge. There are a few registries that you can check out to see if your hotel has bed bugs. Remember, that a bed bug can be gotten anywhere, it’s how the hotel responds that counts.

Roaches in Hotels

Another pest commonly found in hotels are cockroaches. These pests are synonymous with moisture, filth, and poor hygiene. With such a bad reputation, it is easy to see why hotels do not want a roach infestation.

Most of the roach issues we find in hotels are found in 3 areas:

  • Kitchen
  • Basement
  • Pool Area

In all three of these areas, there is moisture and warmth present. Roaches are carriers of many diseases and should be treated by a pest control professional. Bug “bombs” and fogs usually scatter the roaches and make the infestation much worse.

To learn more about roaches and roach treatments, check out our roach page here.

Hotel Rodent Control

Rodents and mice in hotels usually hang out in the same areas as the roaches. Basements, kitchens, common areas, and utility rooms are prime areas to inspect for rodent infestations. Just like roaches, rodent activity is a sign to the visitor that this hotel is not clean. Rodents are known to carry disease and they can contaminate food with their droppings and urine.

Rodent Control in Hotels

When dealing with rodents in hotels, the health and safety of the public is of top priority. Placement of rodent bait or other control devices MUST be placed out of reach and view of the guests staying in the hotel. Always follow the directions labeled on the rodent bait before applying. A professional pest control company should handle your rodent issues as part of their normal service plan.

You can find out more about rodent control here.

Hotel Pest Service Plans

Hotel Pest Control service plans are critical in identifying and preventing insect and pest infestations. Our hotel service plans include inspecting and treating a certain number of rooms every month. If no issues are present, rooms are inspected or treated on a preventative basis. By the end of the year, every room should be inspected whether it had a pest issue or not. A detailed tracking and inspection sheet should be maintained on site.

With so many people coming and going out of hotels every year, introduction of pests is inevitable. Preventing infestations is what the goal should be for any hotel pest control plan. Training, Communication, Treatment, and Tracking are the keys to an effective hotel pest control program.

Pest Control West Chester
Prudential Pest Solutions

Hotel Pest Control Chester County

We offer hotel pest control and exterminating services in Chester County. Hotel pest control should NOT be considered DIY work. Our experienced and professional pest technicians will protect your brand by keeping your hotel pest free.

If you own or manage a hotel in Chester County, give Prudential Pest Solutions a call.

Additional Articles Related to Hotel Pest Control

Pest Control Vacuum

Pest Control Vacuum

Why does Prudential Pest Solutions use a vacuum as part of their pest control and exterminating services? The answer is simple, why should YOU have to do any work after you hire a pest control professional? Not only do we clean up the mess we make during a treatment, but we also remove hazardous waste from your home.

Insects, rodents, and wildlife leave behind more than a bad memory when they are living in your home. Droppings, urine, and dead carcasses can lead to poor indoor air quality in your home. Is you current exterminator leaving the cleanup up to you?!

Prudential Pest Solutions utilizes a special bug vacuum to suck up and remove droppings and dead carcasses of insects, rodents, and wildlife. Our vacuum has a HEPA filter to make sure that we are not spreading or making airborne any contaminated material.

Pest Control Vacuum
Chemical Free Pest Control Chester County

Cleaning up Rodent Droppings

Rodents living in your home or business can cause health concerns to the occupants. The rodent droppings can lead to contaminated food, water, and air quality. As part of our rodent treatments, we vacuum and remove the accessible droppings.

By vacuuming the rodent droppings we accomplish 2 things. First we are improving the indoor health and air quality of your home by removing the droppings. Secondly, by removing the droppings we can see if there is still rodent activity that requires additional rodent treatments.

More Rodent Information

You can find out more about rodent treatments, rodent entrances, and rodent inspections by clicking on the following topics

Bed Bug Vacuum

Bed Bug Treatments West Chester
Bed Bug Treatments West Chester

We love to use our bug vacuum during and after bed bug treatments. Bed bugs live in cracks and crevices in and near your bed. They deposit eggs as well as excrement in these areas too. Our bed bug vacuuming will remove adults and eggs. This makes our treatments MORE effective. After the treatment, we vacuum again to remove any adults that came out during the treatment process

More information on bed bug treatments

Want to know more about bed bugs and bed bug treatments? You can find more bed bug treatment and inspection information below.

Wildlife Infestation Cleanup

If you have ever been inside of a home that has or had a colony of bats living in it, then you may be familiar with the odor of bat droppings. Bat droppings are similar in shape and size as rodent droppings. The big difference is the sheer amount of droppings that a colony of bats can and do deposit inside of the attic.

Bat droppings inside of an enclosed structure are considered a health hazard. This is due to the respiratory risk if the droppings are not handled correctly. NEVER sweep up any type of animal droppings. Our HEPA vacuum safely and effectively removes and stores these droppings. We are then able to properly transport and dispose of the bat droppings.

Bat colonies are also known to have bat bugs living with them. Bat bugs, the direct cousin or bed bugs, are blood feeders that live with bat colonies. When the droppings are properly vacuumed and removed, bat bugs can also be removed and then the area can be treated.

You can learn more about bat bugs and wildlife control services below.

Exterminator Vacuum

Our pest vacuum also gets quite a bit of use doing general pest control services. A very effective means to treat for spiders is to vacuum the spiders, eggs, and webbing from the home. Not only will this leave your home cleaner, it eliminates future spiders by removing their eggs and webbing.

By vacuuming and removing pests Prudential Pest Solutions is able to leave your home cleaner, and with less pests. Is your current exterminator leaving dead insects and pests in your home AFTER their service? We believe that pest control and exterminator services include the REMOVAL of pests as well.

Why you shouldn’t use a vacuum in pest control

Unless you have a specific vacuum designed for pest control, an exterminator should NOT use a vacuum for their service. Our vacuum has a HEPA filter to eliminate hazardous particles from becoming airborne in your home. This filter will not allow the indoor air quality of your home to be compromised by our service.

Another key feature of our pest vacuum is that the vacuum itself as a cartridge that houses, stores, and secures anything it sucks up. This means that any pest or dropping is securely trapped and sealed inside of the cartridge and cannot escape. No need to worry about a stray bed bug or roach escaping our vacuum.

The last key feature of a good bug vacuum is in its design. Our equipment is brought into many homes and businesses for service. This means that the vacuum cannot have any nooks for pests to “hitch a ride” from home to home. The pest vacuum we use is does not allow pests to hide or be transported from job to job. This feature protects your home and our vehicles from becoming the pest transports!

To use a vacuum or not

If you intend to use a vacuum for pest control and exterminating services, consider the key features listed above. We use the Atrix Green Supreme vacuum. This vacuum is portable, and meets all of the above necessities for professional pest control services. You can find more information on the Atrix Green Supreme bug vacuum here.

Vacuuming Makes for a Professional Service

We firmly believe that if you are hiring a pest control and exterminating company to resolve your pest issue, then you shouldn’t have to worry about the cleanup. In additional to leaving your home cleaner, we want to ensure that any additional pest activity is able to be noted accurately.

If you live or work in Chester County and have a pest issue, give Prudential Pest Solutions a call. You can also send us a message and we are sure to get you pest free today!

Bed Bug Treatments West Chester

How To Prevent Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Treatments West Chester
Bed Bug Treatment Chester County

How to prevent bed bugs is one of the most frequent questions we receive. The short answer is that you can’t. Now before you hit the back button on your web page, I wasn’t trying to provide a misleading title. Unless you live and operate inside of a medically sealed bubble, you can get bed bugs. In this article we will discuss ways to prevent bed bug INFESTATIONS!

Bed Bugs can be found anywhere

Bed bugs can be found anywhere where humans are located. Since humans provide the bed bug with its main source of food, they tend to live near where humans are. As there name suggests, bed bugs are commonly found in and around the bed. This is not the only place that I have seen or treated for bed bugs though.

Think about all of the places where people spend a considerable amount of time that isn’t in a bed. Public transportation and movie theaters come to mind. Imagine sitting in a movie theater and inadvertently take home a pregnant female bed bug. That single bed bug could lead to tens, hundreds, and even thousands of bed bugs over time.

Besides the bed, where else are bed bugs?

We gave some examples above of where bed bugs can be found. Once you have inspected the bedroom for bed bugs, begin to inspect other areas. In the home, I always inspect the living room furniture for bed bugs. Start by inspecting the seat that has the best view of the t.v. This is a seat that would be most often occupied by people. Where there are people, there are bed bugs.

Dining room furniture that has upholstered seat coverings also provide bed bug havens. Office furniture in homes and businesses can harbor bed bugs and allow them to feed. Although bed bugs typically are nocturnal, they aren’t always. If their main food source is available during the day, they will feed during the day.

We have a whole article on specific areas where bed bugs can be found. Check it out here.

Bed Bugs in Hotels

I think the most common concern when staying overnight in a hotel are bed bugs. You should always inspect the linen, mattress, and head board for bed bugs and/or bed bug excrement. This inspection should be done BEFORE setting your suitcase down or unpacking. I will place my suitcase in the bathtub, dry of course, and inspect the room PRIOR to placing my suitcase on the floor.

There are some user submitted databases that will list establishments with bed bug issues. You can find one such registry here.

Bed Bugs in Hotels, the reality.

Keep in mind that in the hotel industry, there are literally hundreds and thousands of people that come and go every year in each hotel. Using basic probability, it is inevitable that a hotel will have a bed bug introduced into its facility. The good hotels will identify the bed bug issue and immediately start a treatment process. Other hotels will wait, either on purpose or not, and allow their entire building to become INFESTED.

Proper identification of bed bugs, with a pest control plan in place can prevent hotels from having bed bug infestations. Cooperation and training are provided to the housekeeping staff to ensure that bed bug issues are caught early, and a treatment process can begin immediately.

Bed Bug Infestation Prevention

Since bed bugs can be found anywhere humans are, it can be incredibly difficult to determine where a bed bug infestation originated. I believe that unless you never leave your home and nothing new comes into your home, that you can come into contact with bed bugs. Below I will share some tips on how to prevent bed bug infestations.

Inspect for bed bugs

We discussed checking your hotel room for signs of bed bugs in the section above. Before I sit on any upholstered seat in public, I take a quick glance at the seams. I’m looking for stains, bed bugs, bed bug excrement, and the general cleanliness of the seat. If something doesn’t look right, I don’t sit. Bed bug excrement can be somewhat difficult to see depending on the color and pattern of the seat. Not physically touching something infested with bed bugs is the best way to prevent bed bug infestations.

Bed Bugs in used furniture

I can’t count the number of times I have gotten a phone call for bed bugs where the person states that they started getting bit after picking up some used furniture. This could be a used couch from a friend, or a used mattress on the side of the road. Sometimes “free stuff” can lead to much bigger problems. By that person “saving” money by taking a free couch, they spent hundreds of dollars and many hours on bed bug treatments.

Bed Bugs in new furniture

Most people can understand that used furniture carries a risk of bed bugs. I have seen NEW furniture have bed bugs too! How is that possible you ask? Think about how you get new furniture. The delivery truck pulls up to your house. The delivery folks take your old furniture and put it into the truck. They then take the new furniture and place it inside of your home. Imagine that one of there old furniture removals had bed bugs. That means their truck could have bed bugs and everything inside of it, including your brand new bed!

You think you came in contact with bed bugs, now what?

If you believe you came in contact with bed bugs, you should take the following steps. Let’s assume you woke up in a hotel and have some bites. Takes these steps to help prevent infesting your home with bed bugs.

  • When you get home, wash and dry ALL clothing (including what you are wearing) on HIGH HEAT.
  • Quarantine your suitcase outside, DO NOT put it away in a closet or bedroom.
  • Shower
  • Inspect your car seats and trunk for bed bugs
  • Bed Bug monitors can be placed in the bedroom and car to monitor for bed bug activity.
  • If you decide to use a pesticide spray, make sure you read and follow the directions on the chemical.

Bed Bug Monitors

Bed bug monitors exist so that bed bug introductions can be found early and not turn into infestations. The monitors can be simple glue boards that will capture the bed bugs on their travels. Other bed bug monitors are sophisticated and utilize pheromones or CO2 to attract bed bugs. The bottom line is that bed bug monitors will give you peace of mind. If you did bring home a bed bug, the monitors will pick it up and you can start to contact a pest control professional for treatment. If the monitors do not capture any bed bugs after a week or so, then you can feel pretty confident that you are bed bug free.

Preventing Bed Bug Infestations

In both commercial and residential situations, bed bug infestations can be prevented through quick and early identification. If the bed bug issue is discovered early and treated immediately, then it will not turn into an infestation. Cooperation between the homeowner and pest control professional is critical in resolving the bed bug issue quickly and effectively.

No one wants bed bugs. Your home and your bed should be a place of relaxation and comfort. Don’t let bed bugs make you uncomfortable in your own home!

Here are some other articles on bed bugs and bed bug control:

Bed Bug Treatments West Chester
Bed Bug Treatments West Chester

Bed Bugs Control Chester County

If you live or work in Chester County and have bed bug questions, Prudential Pest Solutions can help. Our fully licensed and insured technicians can treat your bed bug issue with affordable, professional, effective treatments.

Give us a call or send us a message to get pest free today!

How to prevent bed bugs
Termite Treatment Options Chester County

Termite Treatment Options

There are 2 main choices for termite treatment options in a residential home. They are chemical treatments using repellents or non-repellents, and baiting systems using baits. Both termite treatment options can provide great results. In this post we will discuss both treatment options and when they work best.

Termidor Termite Treatments

When we think of liquid, non-repellent, chemical termite treatments, Termidor is the only name that comes to mind. This termiticide made by BASF, is THE name in termite treatments. We use a Termidor HE which is a great product to treat the termite colony fast.

Termidor works by using the termites social colony against them. Once the termite comes in contact with the termiticide, it does not die right away. This is a good thing because we want that termite to spread the chemical to his friends and family. Those termites that have contacted the first termites spread it to others and so on and so on. Since the chemical is a non-repellent, the termites can’t detect it and will happily contact it or eat wood that was treated with Termidor.

Let’s look at how we use Termidor HE for our Termite Treatments

Prepping for Termite Treatments

We have established through a thorough inspection that your home has termites. Now it is time to prep your home for a termite treatment. Since the termites that we have in Chester County and throughout the State of Pennsylvania are subterranean, we need to focus our prep on the ground and soil. We will need access to the entire perimeter foundation of your home. Even if the termites are only found in one section of your home, the entire structure needs to be treated.

  • Remove any moveable obstructions from the area around the foundation of the home. This includes garden hoses, flower pots, and other objects.
  • Contact PA PUC to have them properly find and mark any and all buried electrical lines, gas lines, plumbing pipes, cable lines, and other hidden obstructions.
  • Check for wells, drains, and other water sources that are close to the home.
  • Identify and remove sources of moisture from the foundation. This includes improper and damaged downspouts, gutters overflowing, and grading issues.

Termidor Termite Treatment

Note: Termidor HE should only be applied by licensed PA Pesticide Applicators.

ALWAYS read and follow the label on the chemical as writte

We will trench around the structure approximately 2 inches deep and 4 inches wide. Depending on the type of construction, the application may even go to a depth of 2 feet. Using a our power spraying equipment we attach a trenching rod to apply the chemical into the soil. The label on the Termidor HE will dictate how many gallons per linear foot we will apply.

After the Termite Treatment, Now What?

After a termite treatment has been successfully completed, there are more options moving forward. We offer warranties that stay with the home that cover if the termites return. There are monitors that can be placed around the perimeter of the home to identify termite activity in the future. Between the termite warranties and a monitoring system, you can rest assured that your termite issue is under control.

Repellent Chemical Termite Treatments

The repellent chemical termite treatments are very similar to the non-repellent termite treatments. The only big difference is how the chemical works and what effects it has on the termites and the colony. For non-repellent chemical treatments, we rely on the termites not detecting the chemical and spreading it to one another. With repellent termite treatments, that is not the case.

Repellent chemicals kill the termites on contact. The termites do not pass along or transfer the chemical to one another. This type of treatment has its advantages and disadvantages. An advantage of using this type of treatment would be in preventative termite treatments. With preventative termite treatments, the termites would die on contact and the colony would not move into the home. The disadvantage is if the colony is already established in the home, then you may be killing just the workers and the colony remains undisturbed.

Termite Bait Systems

Termite bait systems offer a non-liquid chemical approach to termite control. The idea is that wood and cellulose baited stations are installed around the exterior perimeter of the home. These stations are checked throughout the year and if termite activity is noted in the station then treatment begins.

If termite activity is found in the station, the cellulose cartridge is removed and a termiticide cartridge is placed into the station. Similar to the Termidor, the termites eat the bait and take it back to the colony. After a few months the termite colony is destroyed and the monitors remain in place. The monitors are then left to be checked on a yearly basis to see if the termites are active. If activity is found, the same process is repeated.

Here is the baiting/monitoring system that we use.

Pros/Cons of baiting systems

What I like about the baiting systems are that you can visually see the progress of the termite treatments. Since the termites live underground, it is difficult to measure the effectiveness of the termite treatment if using only a liquid treatment.

The cons of using a baiting/monitoring system is that the treatment takes longer to eradicate the colony than the liquid termite treatments. Also, since you are putting pure cellulose into the soil, you could attract termites from the surrounding area that would have otherwise not come near your home. Lastly, the stations are moisture prone and I have found ant colonies LOVE to make the stations their homes.

Termite Treatment Costs

The cost for a termite treatment is affected by a few factors. They include:

  • Total length of your foundation (Total Linear Feet)
  • Severity of Infestation
  • Type of ground around your home (concrete will require additional drilling)
  • Moisture Issues
  • Wells or drains near the home
  • Type of treatment option
  • Warranty length
Termite Control Chester County
Pest Control Chester County

Termite Treatments Chester County

If you live in Chester County and have a termite issue, we can help. Out experienced and licensed termite technicians will inspect your home and provide you with an affordable treatment option. Termite warranties stay with the home so even if you sell your home, the warranty transfers to the new owners.

Give us a call or send us a message to get termite free today!

Other Termite Resources

Termite Treatment Options
Natural Rodent Control

Natural Rodent Control

Natural Rodent Control
Natural Rodent Control Chester County

Natural Rodent Control Defined

When some people think of natural rodent control, they think of any treatment method that does not utilize poisons. While some non-poison methods of rodent control can be described as natural, not all are. In this post we will examine natural rodent control methods as well as other non-poison rodent control.

Poison Free Rodent Control

There are many types of poison-free rodent control methods. Below are a few of the most common categories of poison-free rodent control.

  • Repellants
  • Mechanical Trapping
  • Exclusion

Rodent Repellents

Rodent repellents come in many different forms and work in different ways. The concept of repellents is to make the area undesirable to the rodent and thus makes the rodent leave the area. These repellents work by smell, taste, or annoyance to evict the unwanted rodent.

Ultrasonic Rodent Repellents

Ultrasonic rodent repellents work by emitting a high frequency sound. This high frequency sound bothers the rodents and they leave the area. The ultrasonic rodent repellent requires electricity to run and must remain plugged into an outlet. Some emit the sound on a regular basis while others only emit sound when movement is detected.

I see ultrasonic rodent repellents on a lot of rodent control jobs. They have many drawbacks compared to some of the other methods we will discuss. First, since they must be plugged into an outlet, you are limited as to where they can be placed. Second, the high frequency sound does not travel very far and does not travel into walls. This really limits the effectiveness. Lastly, rodents can become desensitized to the noise over time and ignore it completely.

My thoughts on Ultrasonic Repellents

When we are called out to a rodent treatment and the homeowner has ultrasonic repellents installed, it usually means the repellent did not work. I have seen people use these ultrasonic repellents for rodents, bats, and other larger wildlife. In my experience, these repellents should be considered a short term option. Over time the rodents become desensitized to them or they move to another area of the home where the sound is not heard.

Natural Rodent Repellents

Some types of liquid based spray repellents are considered natural. These natural rodent repellents use mint, peppermint, or spicy tastes to deter rodents. Since rodents constantly have to chew, spraying a substance with a natural rodent repellent can make that object less appealing to the rodent. Always read the manufacturers directions and apply the repellent only as directed. Even though the product is natural, you never want to misapply a repellent.

Rodent Damage to Cars

We receive many calls a year about rodents causing damage to cars. The rodents will crawl into the engine area and chew at wires. This can cause severe damage to cars wiring and cost hundreds to thousands of dollars to repair. Most car damage occurs to cars parked outside. Since the car is outside, it is often difficult to treat the surrounding area for rodents. That means we must treat the car for the rodents.

Products such as Rodent Defense Vehicle Protection work great for protecting your car or other machinery from rodents. This natural product consists of water, vinegar, and peppermint oil to repel the rodents. The manufacturer states that the product can be applied to anywhere in the engine area. The idea is that when the rodents enter the engine bay and begin to chew on things, they will ingest some of the product. Since they don’t like the taste, they will leave and hopefully not come back. Read and follow all of the directions on the bottle before applying.

Other Natural Rodent Repellents

Other natural rodent repellents utilize similar ingredients as the product mentioned above. They will have mint, peppermint, or a spicy ingredient to make the surface less appealing to the rodent. Some repellents come in a granular form to be sprinkled around the perimeter of a home, garage, or shed. These repellents work by producing an odor, similar to mothballs, that the rodents do not like. I don’t use odor based repellents because our customers also don’t like to smell the odor.

My thoughts on natural rodent repellents

I like to use natural rodent repellents on physical objects that the rodents are damaging. This includes cars, machinery, lawn mowers, electrical lines, plumbing, and HVAC lines. Applications can also be made to anything that the rodents are damaging like lawn furniture. I’m not a big fan of any repellent that uses odor as its main deterrent. This is because the odor is often annoying to the client and the whole point of rodent control is to be comfortable around your home again.

Rodent Trapping Methods

We have all seen rodent snap traps and glue boards. Although they are poison-free methods for rodent control, their are better options out there. Multiple catch rodent stations allow the rodents to enter the station using spring loaded ramps. Once inside of the station, the rodents cannot escape, but are also not injured. More than one mouse can enter and be trapped inside of the station. Many clients use these traps and empty the stations daily. They will usually release the captured mice far away from their homes and then place the stations again.

Another option for a mechanical trap are electronic traps. These traps are humane kill rodent stations. The mouse enters the station and a shot of electricity or bolt kills the mouse immediately. These traps are considered humane and ethical since the action is immediate and causes no pain. Check out this trap from Automatic Trap here. Since the trap kills without poison, there is no danger to pets, or other predators that may eat the dead mouse

My thoughts on mechanical rodent trapping

I think mechanical trapping works best for homes that already have an active rodent infestation. They also allow for the safe and humane removal of the rodents from the property. I do not like using glue boards or snap traps as I believe they are not as effective and not as humane.

Rodent Exclusion

Of course the best way to treat for rodents is to prevent them from entering in the first place! Hind sight is always 20/20 and on many rodent treatments we are able to identify many possible rodent entrances. Had these areas been sealed up, the rodents would not have been able to enter the property.

Since rodents only need the size of nickel to enter a structure, a careful inspection around the outside of the property should be completed. If you have an active rodent infestation, place your traps or repellents on these entrances. Once the infestation has been eliminated, rodent exclusion can begin.

Rodents can chew through many very hard substances. Using caulk or sealant alone will only slow them down as they can easily chew through it. We use steel wool, copper mesh, or Xcluder to plug the entrances. Then, we will apply a sealant to make sure the exclusion fabric stays in place. The exclusion fabric works when the rodent tries to chew through it and cuts its mouse on the sharp parts of the fabric.

My thoughts on Rodent Exclusion

Preventative rodent sealing is ALWAYS the best treatment option. I love when we do a preventative sealing BEFORE the client ever has a rodent infestation. You would be surprised what a little steel wool and caulk will do to keep your home or business rodent free. Remember to look for very small openings and gaps down low to the ground AND up high.

Natural Rodent Control Final Thoughts

There are many different treatment options for rodent control that do not utilize poisons. Rodent control starts on the outside of the home so begin your rodent inspections there. Below are some additional resources to check out.

Pest Control Chester County
Pest Control Chester County

Prudential Pest Solutions Exterminators in Chester County

If you live in Chester County and have a rodent issue, we can help. Our fully licensed and insured technicians can walk you through our rodent treatment options and select one that works for you.

From natural pest control to other methods, we will get your home or business rodent free!

Give us a call or send us a message to get rodent free today!

Natural Rodent Control Chester County
Restuarant Pest Control

Restaurant Pest Control

Restuarant Pest Control
Restaurant Pest Control. Restaurant and bar pest control. Restaurant exterminators. Chester County Exterminators. Chester County Pest Control.

Restaurant Pest Control

Restaurants and bars are often required to have pest control services. This is because the local, state, or federal government require restaurants to have pest control services.

Consumers that eat at restaurants trust that the establishment will serve them safe, delicious food. In this post, we will discuss the major pests that infest eating establishments and commercial kitchens.

Common Pests that Infest Restaurants

Roaches in Restaurants

When most people think about a pest infestation in a restaurant, they think of roaches. Roaches are associated with filth, bad housekeeping, and dirty establishments. Depending on the species of roach in the restaurant, this may be the case.

Cockroaches are associated with dirty, or unclean places because that is where they survive and thrive. Roaches will feed on any organic material including food scraps, other insects, and even dead roaches! They are known to carry and harbor many diseases and can cause allergic reactions.

commercial kitchen pest control
commercial kitchen pest control

When I inspect a restaurant for roach activity, I will pay particular attention to certain areas. Roaches prefer areas of warmth, food availability, and moisture. Restaurant kitchens with their shiny stainless steel appliances and countertops can appear very clean and tidy. Inspecting underneath the cabinets, appliances, and countertops can reveal a different story.

Roach Inspections in Restaurants

Inspection for roaches in a restaurant should focus on warm, moisture prone areas. These areas include under, and behind appliances, dish washing equipment, under counters, under the ovens/fryers/grills, basement, utility closets, and trash areas. Visually seeing live or dead roaches is a good indication that there is a roach problem. Most of the time if the restaurant has called in for pest inspection, it means they are already experiencing a roach infestation.

Roach Control Chester County
Roach Control Chester County

Cockroaches can be introduced into an establishment through many different means. The sewer system and drains can allow roaches, especially the American Cockroach to enter the building. Roaches can also be introduced by the food distributor. Cockroaches love to hang out and hitch rides inside of cardboard boxes. Most of the food that is delivered to the restaurants comes in cardboard boxes, and the deliveries can occur a few times a week.

Roach Treatments in Restaurants

restaurant exterminator services
restaurant exterminator

Treatment for cockroaches in restaurants can be a challenge. The challenge in treatment comes from the level of cooperation that occurs between the restaurant and the pest control company. As a pest control company we can use sprays, baits, and dusts to treat for roaches. If the restaurant eliminates the moisture issues and thoroughly cleans up at the end of every night, the cockroach treatments can be very effective. Treatments should focus on where the roaches are found and should always be conducted in accordance to the label.

Follow-up treatments are almost always required to eliminate a cockroach infestation. It is almost always a good idea to have a pest control service plan so that small issues do not become infestations. Service plans will also treat and prevent many of the other insect infestations found in restaurants.

Rodents in Restaurants

After roaches, rodent infestations are the second most common pest found in restaurants. Rodents, like roaches, are in the restaurant because there is one or all of the following: food, moisture, harborage. Rodents and their droppings carry many diseases which are harmful to humans. They can also physically damage equipment, pantry items, and even the building itself!

Downingtown Pest Control
Prudential Pest Solutions

Rodent Inspections for Restaurants

Rodents, mice specifically, only need about the size of a nickel to enter a structure. If the restaurant is connected to other buildings, then the rodents can probably come and go between all of the buildings. Finding out where the rodents are entering the structure can greatly increase the chances of eradicating the issue. Check out our video on interior and exterior rodent inspections to see where are the common entrances.

commercial kitchen exterminator
commercial kitchen exterminator

Treating for rodents in restaurants can be difficult if cooperation does not exist between the restaurant and pest control professional. In the best case scenario, the restaurant is cleaned nightly, moisture prone areas are eliminated, and the structure is sealed from the outside. Since rodents can chew through some pretty strong substances, simply caulking a gap is not going to be enough to seal them out. Proper door seals on the bottom of exterior doors often go a long way in keeping rodents out.

Rodent Treatments in Restaurants

When treating for rodents, there are many different options to choose from. Baiting, exclusion, and mechanical capture are the 3 most common methods. Exclusion is the best, long term approach to rodent control in restaurants. It involves sealing up the exterior perimeter of the restaurant to physically prevent rodents from entering. Depending on the restaurant and its location, rodent exclusion is not always possible. For these circumstances, the other 2 rodent treatment methods can be used.

affordable rodent treatments
affordable rodent treatments

When using rodent baits, it is VERY important to read the label in the bait and follow it exactly. Rodent bait can be very effective if applied in a smart way. Bait should be placed out of reach of restaurant employees and clients. Since rodent bait is poison, it should never be applied above or near any food prep areas. In food prep areas where bait cannot be applied, mechanical capture is the best method.

Mechanical capture includes snap traps and multiple catch stations. Snap traps are baited and when the mouse contacts the trap, the mouse is captured under a swinging bar. Multiple catch stations allow multiple mice to enter the station through the use of a spring loaded ramp. Once inside of the station, the rodents cannot escape. The downside of using mechanical traps is that they require more servicing since you will not want dead mice causing odor issues after a few weeks.

restaurant pest control services
restaurant pest control

Flies in Restaurants

Flies, like roaches and rodents, are carriers of disease in restaurants. They will land on food, food prep areas, and other surfaces, potentially carrying and transmitting disease pathogens. There are multiple species of fly that are attracted to restaurants. In this section we will discuss small fruit and drain flies, and larger flies.

Small Flies in Restaurants

Small flies in restaurants can be found near drains, trash areas, sinks, dish washing equipment, soda stations, and liquor areas. Depending on the species of fly, you will find them more heavily in certain areas. Drains, sinks, beer tap drains, soda drains, should be rinsed every night and hot water should be dumped down the drain. If there is organic material in the drain trap, flies will breed and accumulate there. In this case, a properly labeled chemical designed for drain cleaning can be applied to remove the organic material. Liquor bottles with easy pour spouts should be covered nightly to prevent flies from entering the bottle.

Drain Foaming and Treatments

Floor Drain Service
Typical Floor Drain in a commercial kitchen

Treating the floor drains and sink drains with a foam can effectively resolve fly and disease issues. Our foam utilizes a disinfectant, insecticide, and cleaner to remove organic material and kill any disease and pests.

You can learn more about our drain foaming treatments here.

Drain Cleaning and Foaming
Drain cleaning and foaming

Large Flies in Restaurants

Large flies present many of the same problems as small flies. Often I will see fly capture strips hung throughout the kitchen area. These strips are unsightly, and in many areas are not allowed for a food inspection. Large flies can originate from outside, or from decaying organic matter found inside of the restaurant. If the restaurant has a rodent issue, a dead mouse in a basement can provide plenty of resources for large flies to populate.

Large flies can be treated by applying an approved insecticide to areas where they land and frequent. Obviously read the label on the chemical and only apply it where the label states. Fly lights can also be effective against large flies in restaurants. The fly lights attract the flies using a light and then either trap them on a glue board or electrocute them using the light. Make sure to change the glue board behind the fly light monthly to maintain effectiveness.

Stored Product Pests in Restaurants

Stored product pests can be found in restaurants. These pests include grain beetles, flour beetles, and others. These pests are usually brought into the restaurant through a contaminated food delivery. Unlike roaches, these pests will be mixed in with the flour or grain. Once identified, the contaminated food should discarded, the area should be treated, and the supplier should be notified.

Nuisance Pests in Restaurants

Affordable Ant Control West Chester
Affordable Ant Control West Chester

Although not directly linked to food borne illness, nuisance insects can give the impression of a dirty establishment. The most common nuisance pests I see in restaurants include ants and spiders. Depending the species of ant, they may be attracted to food, moisture, or both. Treatment should focus on identifying and eliminating the nest. Spiders are predatory pests and are present because there are insects around. Eliminating other pests and treating for spiders will eliminate the issue.

Restaurant Pest Control Service Plans

All pest control companies offer service plans for restaurants. These plans allow a regularly scheduled inspection and treatment of the restaurant to prevent infestations. As we saw above, pests can be introduced into a restaurant in many ways. Unless you intend to put your restaurant into a bubble and strip search all employees and clients, insects can be brought into the restaurant. What a pest control service plan does is prevent infestation after the insect has be introduced. Depend on many factors, restaurants can be serviced weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Restaurant Shut Down Horror Story

I once serviced a restaurant that we shut down due to multiple health concerns. They were infested with rodents and roaches. The restaurant had to hire a professional cleaning company to come in a essentially power wash the inside of the kitchen because it was that nasty. Roaches and rodents were EVERYWHERE!

We successfully treated the roaches using a spray with a insect growth regulator. The rodents were treated with a rodent bait. After a few days we were able to get control of the pest issues. All the while, the restaurant was shut down because it was waiting to be re-inspected. Most of their stored food was contaminated and had to be thrown away.

Moral of the story

Had this restaurant owner had a pest control service plan, they could have avoided this entire ordeal. The owner lost all of their restaurant revenue for 4 days, paid us to treat, and paid a company to clean. The amount of money the owner lost directly was in the tens of thousands of dollars! A pest control service plan is cheap compared to the lost money of being shut down or the lost customers that being shut down caused. Restaurant pest control is extremely important to your business and to your clients.

Pest Control Chester County
Pest Control Chester County

Chester County Restaurants

Prudential Pest Solutions offers restaurant pest control services. We are experts in treating and preventing pests that impact restaurants and bars. Our restaurant pest control is designed to protect your brand so you can focus on many outstanding food. If you have restaurant in Chester County, we would love to sit down and show you how our services can make your pests disappear!

Restaurant pest control should be preventative in nature. Let us protect your name, brand, and business from pests!

Give us a call or send us a message and we can get you pest free today!

veteran owned business
Veteran Owned Business

Other Pest Resources and Articles Related to Restaurant Pest Control

Pest Control Chester County

Rodent Inspection and Treatment

Chester County Rodent Treatments and Inspections

Rodent Inspections

The first step in any pest control plan is to properly identify the pest. To determine if you have a rodent issue, a thorough rodent inspection must take place before a treatment can be done. Many times we have people call and report that they are hearing scratching sounds in the walls or ceiling. Immediately the first pest that comes to mind are rodents.

Your inspection should focus on finding evidence of rodent activity. This evidence can be rodent droppings, rodent nesting material, or even traces of rodent urine. In the house we inspected in Chester County, we utilized a UV light to find traces of rodent urine. Remember to inspect the floor as well as up high, as rodents are excellent climbers.

In the case of the Chester County home we inspected, we found rodent droppings along the basement floor. To learn more about some of the common areas that mice enter homes, check out our exterior rodent inspection video here.

Other pests that are mistaken for rodents

Other pests that can sound like mice include bats, squirrels, and even yellow jackets! Bats and squirrels seem pretty straight forward since they could be found in walls or ceilings. Yellow Jackets that have made their nest inside of a structure will often make a scratching-like noise. This sound can resemble a mouse or other mammal in the home. Bat droppings are very similar to rodent droppings in appearance and size. If you see what looks like rodent droppings in large piles in your attic, then you probably have bats.

Rodent Treatments Chester County
Rodent Treatments Chester County

Rodent Treatments

For the homeowner, there are 3 main avenues for rodent treatments:

  • Use Rodent Baits
  • Use mouse traps or glue boards
  • Seal up the outside of the house

Rodent Baits

Using rodent baits is a very effective means for rodent control. The rodents eat the bait and expire a few days later. Reading and following the directions on the rodent bait is absolutely critical and mandatory. Always apply rodent bait in areas where kids, pets, people, and non-target species do not have access to it. Remember that poisoned mice can also poison predators that feed on mice.

Mechanical Rodent Control

Mechanical rodent control means using rodent snap trap, multiple catch traps, or glue boards. Each of the following technique is different but performs the same function, capture the rodent. Snap traps capture and kill the mouse by using a spring loaded wire. Glue boards are sticky and the rodent gets stuck and cannot get off of the board. Multiple catch traps allow the mouse to enter the trap and it cannot escape. Remember to keep these devices out of reach of children, pets, people, and non-target species.

Rodent Exclusion

Rodent exclusion is ideally done BEFORE a rodent infestation occurs. This generally does not happen because you may not realize there is a rodent entrance until after you have a rodent issue. As with any animal work, do NOT close up the structure until all of the rodents have left. If the house is sealed up, rodents won’t be able to leave and will die in the house leaving a horrible odor.

Rodents can chew through some pretty tough substances. They can easily chew through caulk and sealant. Using steel wool or copper meshing and then sealing will greatly improve your chances of success.

Rodent Control West Chester

What should you do?

Some folks feel comfortable doing the rodent inspection and treatment themselves. For the Chester County resident that does not want to handle the rodent inspection and treatment themselves, Prudential Pest Solutions is here to help.

We offer rodent inspection and treatment for all of Chester County. If you want to be pest and rodent free year-round, our service plan is perfect for you. We offer discounts to seniors, teachers, veterans, and police/fire/EMS.

Give us a call or send us a message to get rodent free today!

Skunk Removal Chester County

Skunk Removal Chester County

Skunk Removal Chester County

We offer skunk removal services for Chester County. Whether you have a skunk living on your property, or you want to limit the amount of skunks in your area, we can help. To properly provide skunk removal services, we have to know why the skunks are being a nuisance. Let’s look at some common ways humans, pets, and skunks come into contact with one another.

Skunk Spray

Skunks are small, furry mammals found in Chester County and throughout all of Pennsylvania. They are most known for the foul odor that follows from a spray when they feel threatened. This spray is oil based making it very difficult to simply wash out.

Here is a recipe that Penn State lists to help remove the odor from a skunk spray.

  • 1 Qt of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
  • 1 Teaspoon Liquid Soap
  • 1/4 Cup Baking Soda
  • Mix Together
  • Apply with a rag, spray bottle, or rinse

Many of the skunk removal calls we get are due to skunks spraying a pet. Pets, mostly dogs, are curious about a new animal on or near their property. The dog often doesn’t recognize the warning signs that the skunk is about to spray. After the spray, the dog may run into the house and contaminate the entire house with that very recognizable odor.

Skunk Biology

Skunks breed in late January through March and can give birth in May through June. On average, skunks will produce 4-6 young. Adult skunks may travel up to 5 miles seeking a mate. It is not uncommon to see more skunks and roadkill skunks during their mating season. You may even see this nocturnal animal during daylight hours.

Skunks and Rabies

Skunks are known carriers of the rabies virus. This deadly virus can cause the animal to be seen during the daylight hours. Rabies can cause the skunk to become aggressive or lethargic. Never approach a sick looking wild animal. Always contact an experienced wildlife removal company when dealing with a potential rabid animal. Chester County has some great information on rabies that can be found here.

Skunk Living on your Property

It can be fairly obvious if you have a skunk that is living on your property. Skunks create dens underground. They will create a hole that is approximately. 6-8 inches in diameter. Often these dens are dug under porches, decks, and sheds. Sometimes you may find a den created along a field line, under a tree, or out in the open.

Skunk removal in Chester County is pretty simple when the skunk is living on the property. Trapping is the most effective method to capture and remove a resident skunk. We provide some excellent trapping techniques in the section below.

Skunk Not Living on your Property

Skunks that are not living on your property but are being a nuisance are a little more difficult to remove. This is mostly due to the reason the skunk is passing through your property. With a skunk that is living on your property, they are there because they made a home. When a skunk is passing through your property, it is because they are mating, or there is a food source.

Skunks that are mating will travel great distances to find a mate. Trapping can be difficult because the skunk may have just passed through your property and may never be seen again. Skunks that travel great distances also have a high likelihood of being killed by cars. When this happens, they are no longer a problem for your property.

Skunks on your property for a food source

Skunks are omnivores, which means they will eat both plant and meat materials. By removing food sources from your property, you can lessen the chances that a skunk will find your property appealing. Some common skunk food sources on a property include:

  • Trash and garbage
  • Cat Food
  • Bird Seed
  • Grubs in the soil
  • Gardens

Some of these food sources are easily removed. By securing trash cans, you can lessen the chance that a skunk can get to the food. Grub treatments in the spring and summer can greatly reduce the amount of grubs in the soil. Trapping can capture and remove a skunk that is passing through your property. It is more difficult to know whether you have successfully captured the nuisance skunk when it is not living on your property.

Skunk Trapping and Removal

Trapping is the most common method of skunk removal in Chester County. Live capturing and removing a resident skunk is the surest way to resolve your skunk problem. Using a medium sized live trap, place the trap opening directly in front of the den entrance. Ensure that the trap has some sort of covering over it. This covering will aid in keeping the trapping animal calm as the trap is approached after a successful capture.

I create a path from the den entrance to the trap opening. This path funnels the skunk directly into the trap. When doing this method, the use of bait is probably unnecessary as the skunk has nowhere to go except inside of the trap. Make sure to eliminate all other den openings so that the skunk has to enter the trap.

For skunk removal in Chester County where the skunk is not living on the property, trapping must include the use of baits. Great baits for luring skunks include cat food, sardines, and marshmallows. Again, make sure the trap is covered and place in a path where you suspect the skunk will travel. Due to the type of bait used, other species such as cats, opossum, and raccoons will also be attracted. We always check the traps daily so that we can minimize non-target catches.

Skunk is trapped, now what?

If Prudential Pest Solutions is your wildlife removal professional, then you don’t have to do anything. We have permits through the Pennsylvania Game Commission so you know that all animals we trap and remove are handled in a humane and professional manner. Traps are always checked daily so that the trapped animal is not suffering in the trap for too long.

If you are a DIY’er and have trapped a skunk either on purpose or by accident, we can help. Prudential Pest Solutions wildlife division will take the trapped animal and remove it from your property.

Skunk Removal Chester County

Skunk removal in Chester County is only a call or message away. If you have a skunk issue, we can help. Our professional wildlife staff has the experience and knowledge to successfully resolve your skunk problem.

Give us a call or send us a message to get skunk free today!

Raccoon Removal Chester County

Raccoon Removal Chester County

There are only a few circumstances that will cause someone to need raccoon removal services in Chester County. Either the raccoon is living in or near the house, or the raccoon is sick or injured. To better understand why you have a raccoon problem, lets look at why the raccoon is living near your house.

Raccoon Biology

Raccoons are omnivores, which means that feed on both plant and animal matter. They are very opportunistic and will feed on what is available. When dealing with a raccoon living in or near a home, there are some common man-made food sources. Trash cans, bird feeders, and cat food are the most common food attractants to raccoons. Food sources like these are like all you can eat buffets for a resident raccoon.

Raccoons are nocturnal

Raccoons are a nocturnal species, which means that they are most active at night. If you see a raccoon during the day, it does not immediately mean that they are rabid. Mating season can cause raccoons to travel great distances. This could cause the raccoon to be seen during non-night hours. Raccoon sickness and diseases will be discussed below. Since raccoons are most active at night, their activities often go unnoticed. Some people leave their garage door or cat door open all day. If not closed before dark, a raccoon can enter the garage or through the cat door. If the door is then closed, the raccoon can become trapped for the night.

Raccoon breeding and young

According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission, raccoons typically mate in January thru February. They will have on average 4 young raccoons that are born in March to April. Many times the mother raccoon will stay with the young for the first year. This means that if you have a pregnant female raccoon on your property, you could have 5 raccoons in 6 months time. With food and or habitat, it is easy to see how raccoon populations can increase in a relatively short amount of time.

Raccoon Sickness and Disease

Common reasons for seeing lethargic or slow moving raccoons, is disease and injury. The Pennsylvania Game Commission lists raccoons as a rabies vector species. This means that raccoons are excellent carries of the deadly disease rabies. Another common disease that affects raccoons is canine distemper. This disease is extremely fatal for raccoons and other mammals. The final most common cause of seeing a lethargic raccoon is injury. Raccoons often fall victim to car strikes. Since they are nocturnal, raccoons can commonly be seen as road kill on the sides of roads across Pennsylvania. If not killed on impact, they will sometimes find themselves on people’s properties where they will exhibit signs of disease.

Raccoon Removal Chester County

Depending on what type of raccoon problem you have, there are many options for removing raccoons.

Raccoon removal on your property

Raccoon removal in Chester County usually involves live trapping and removal. Live trapping is extremely effective in removing raccoons that are living in the attic or crawlspace. Common bait that can be used is peanut butter, marsh mellows, and maple syrup. Traps need to be large enough to allow a full sized raccoon to enter the trap. If traps are placed on the ground, be careful for non-target species captures. Skunks are also omnivores and will be attracted to the same type of baits. Captured raccoons should be handled and removed in accordance to Pennsylvania Game Commission regulations.

For raccoons that are sick or injured and on your property, trapping will often not be effective. This is because the animal is sick or injured and is not concerned with eating. Hiring a trained professional is what most homeowners should due in this scenario. Sick or injured animals can become extremely aggressive posing a danger to people, pets, and kids. A wildlife professional will most likely snare the animal and place into a wildlife trap for removal and transfer. Handling and dispatching of the sick or injured raccoon will be handled in strict accordance to Pennsylvania Game Commission regulations.

Raccoon prevention

By removing common food sources, such as garage, cat food, or bird feeders can be enough to make raccoons move out of your area. Easy access to food will keep the raccoons around, so by removing the food source, sometimes the raccoons will leave. Raccoon proof trashcans or trashcans with secured lids can keep raccoons out the trash. Closing garage doors and pet doors before dark will help to keep raccoons out of the garage or home.

Keeping trees and tree branches trimmed away from the house can help to keep raccoon out of your attic. Raccoons are excellent climbers and use the trees as a ladder to get onto the roof. Once on the roof, the raccoons can cause substantial damage to get into the attic space.

Population control trapping can effectively lower the raccoon population around the house. Raccoon removal in Chester County is most effective when trapping is utilized. By live capturing and removing some of the resident raccoons, you can lower the raccoon population. Abundant food or habitat are the main causes of raccoon overpopulation. Overpopulated raccoons will have a much higher chance of disease since they will have more contact with each other.

Hiring a professional

We offer raccoon removal in Chester County. Our fully licensed and insured wildlife specialists are experienced in handling and removing raccoons. From trapping and removal to exclusion, we can get your home raccoon free. We have permits from the Pennsylvania Game Commission to humanely, effectively, and professionally trap and remove raccoons.

Contact us

If you need raccoon removal in Chester county, Prudential Pest Solutions can help. Give us a call or send us a message to get raccoon free today!

Prudential Pest Solutions is a veteran owned company that services all of Chester County. We specialize in Residential and Commercial Pest Control, Wildlife Control, and Termite Control. Our technicians are experienced in handling and removing many pests.

We pride ourselves on our affordable, professional, and effective treatments. Check out our other pest control services to see how Prudential Pest Solutions can get you pest free today!

Raccoon Removal Chester County

Common Rodent Entrances

Rodents in the house?

We generally say that mice only need an opening the size of a dime to enter a structure.  The video shows some common entrance points that mice use to access a home.  The home used in the video was in Chester County and represents most “development” style homes built after 1990.

If you live or work in Chester County and have rodents issues, give us a call or send us a message. Our fully licensed and insured technicians will get you rodent free!

Chester County Rodent Control