termite control cost

How much does a termite treatment cost

So, you’ve discovered a termite problem at your house and want[…]

Termite Treatment

Exploring Effective Termite Treatments

In Pennsylvania, the only species of termite we have are subterranean[…]

termite myths

Termites Myths vs Facts

Performing termite treatments for many years, we have heard many misconceptions[…]

DIY Termite Control

Why DIY Termite Control might not be enough

Homeowners often attempt do-it-yourself or DIY treatments for pest problems at[…]

early signs of termite problems

Early signs of a termite problem

Subterranean termites can literally eat you out of house and home.[…]

no termites

12 Proven ways to prevent termites

Here are 12 proven ways to prevent termites in and around[…]

Termites in Pennsylvania

Termites in Pennsylvania

Termites in Pennsylvania damage can cause thousands of dollars in damage[…]

carpenter ant nest reading pa

Carpenter Ant Nest in Foam Insulation

Carpenter ants, like termites, can eat the wood framing of your[…]

termite damage to wood paneling

Termite Bora Care Treatment Reading PA

Inactive termite damage was discovered when a contractor was gutting a[…]

Carpenter Ants in Firewood

Carpenter Ants in Firewood

I took a weekend off to go camping with some buddies[…]