Termites are wood destroying insects that can cause substantial damage to the structure of a building. There are many different species of termites found throughout the world.
Termites in Pennsylvania
The termites found in Chester County and throughout Pennsylvania are subterranean termites. These termites live underground and are very rarely seen above ground. They are clear in color and can form colonies of thousands of individuals.
Termite Inspections

Termite inspections are often initiated for a few reasons. Either the inspection is required for a real estate transaction, or there is a suspicion of termite activity.
To learn more about termite real estate inspections, WDI, you can find that here.
If termites or termite activity is discovered, then you will need a termite treatment.

Termite Treatments
There are many different options for termite treatments in Pennsylvania. We typically prefer a liquid treatment with a monitoring program. Our termite technicians will be able to recommend a termite treatment that is right for you and affordable.
You can learn more about termite treatment options here.
Termite Control
Termites can be controlled many different ways. We offer termite control services to all of Chester County.
If you would like to speak with one of our termite specialists, give us a call or send us a message.
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