We offer termite control services in Hanover PA.  Whether you live near the pretzel factories or close to the North Hanover Mall, we have a termite service for you. 

Our Hanover clients love our affordable, professional, and effective termite services.  With fully licensed and insured technicians, you can rest easy knowing your termite issue will be under control.

Hanover Termite Experts

We are experts in inspecting and treating for termites. Some of the many termite and wood pest treatments include:

Termidor HE Certified Professional
termidor he certified professional

Hanover Termite Professionals

What sets us apart is our specific service times and quality of service.  We do not give appointment windows that leave you waiting around all day.  Our appointments are scheduled for specific times and we mean it!  Our pest process describes our unique pest services.

About Hanover Termite Exterminators

Termite PreTreatment for new construction

Prudential Pest Solutions is a Veteran and Family owned and operated termite control company.

As a Marine Corps Veteran with a degree in Biology from Penn State University, I promise you haven’t met a termite exterminator like me before!

Termite Control Service Area

We provide a full range of termite treatment and prevention services to all of South Eastern and South Central Pennsylvania.

Some of the many areas we exterminate termites include:

Termidor HE Treatments
Termidor HE Treatments

Schedule your FREE termite consultation with Hanover’s termite professionals

Give us a call or text us at (484) 401-4361 to schedule an appointment

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