bald faced hornet nest Lebanon Pa

2 Hornet Nests at 1 House

This property in Lebanon Pa had 2 bald faced hornets nests[…]

yellow jacket nest built on a pesticide bottle

Yellow Jacket Nest Built on Pesticide Bottle

This was a very unique yellow jacket treatment and removal job[…]

Hornet Nest Coatesville PA

Hornet Nest in Coatesville PA

This bald faced hornet nest was mounted on the soffit and[…]

Yellow Jacket Goat

Yellow Jacket Nest at the Goat Farm

This yellow jacket nest was in the ground inside the fence[…]

bald face hornet nest in bush in Kennett Square PA

Bald Faced Hornet Nest Treatment and Removal

This bald faced hornet nest was in a bush in Kennett[…]

Hornet Larva

Bald Faced Hornet Nest in Shed

These bald faced hornets created a nest inside of our client’s[…]

yellow jacket expert kennett square pa

Yellow Jacket Nest in Art Studio

Our client in Kennett Square PA noticed live and dead yellow[…]

Yellow jacket nest in wall of garage

Yellow Jacket Nest in Wall of Garage

This yellow jacket nest was inside the wall of the garage[…]

lancaster yellow jacket

Yellow Jacket Nest in Ceiling in Lancaster PA

Our client in Lancaster Pennsylvania was finding live and dead yellow[…]

Newtown Square PA Exterminator

Hornet Nest on Roof

This MASSIVE bald faced hornet nest was under the soffit on[…]

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